Hello Newgrounds. I am never, ever going to visit this website over this account again. As of tonight, I bid thee farewell. Feel free to leave your comments below. Please don't be an asshole and essntially spit on my virtual grave. Goodbye.
Hi! I was going through puberty when I made the account, so don't hassle me about the username. I may upload some more art. I might put on some vids, maybe an audio or two. So yeah. I'm just an average guy, at least as average as any other NG user. Peace.
Age 20, Male
Don't have one.
School of D&D!
The Demiplane of EPICNESS
Joined on 3/7/17
Posted by LordMcFartNuggets - December 12th, 2017
Hello Newgrounds. I am never, ever going to visit this website over this account again. As of tonight, I bid thee farewell. Feel free to leave your comments below. Please don't be an asshole and essntially spit on my virtual grave. Goodbye.
And nothing of value was lost.